Reduce/Remove Plastics

19 million pounds of plastic enter the ocean every year.
These facts can help you make informed decisions about your packaging:

  • Plastic that is clear or light-colored is more likely to be recycled than dark plastic.
    Darker plastics have low resale value for recycling facilities and often cannot be
    recognized by sorting machines.
  • Mixed-material packaging made of layers of plastic, cardboard, and aluminum foil is
    difficult to separate. Many recycling facilities will not accept it.
  • Small plastic items — such as straws, utensils or bottle caps — can slip through
    sorting machines and be lost to landfills.
  • Large shrink-sleeve labels on containers can confuse sorting machines and
    contaminate other recycling streams.
  • Plastic bags made of LDPE usually cannot be recycled. The bags can damage sorting
    machines and printed logos prevent the plastic from being recycled into clear film.
    When in doubt, contact a recycling facility near your customers to learn how your
    product’s waste will be processed.

Help us reduce plastic in sea turtle habitats. You may not live near a beach where turtles nest, or even near an ocean where turtles spend much of their lives. Still you can help us reduce plastic in these environments by donating to help with the following:

Join Turtle Up for a 30 Day Plastic Free Challenge. To Join, clicking here.