

Turtle Up relies on the generous donations of individuals and organizations. Not all donations need to be cash. You can help support our efforts by providing Turtle up with items from this list. This can be a one-time purchase or a recurring purchase. Any support is greatly needed and appreciated.


By providing items on this list, you will be helping to support our efforts at Turtle Up.

Plane Tickets (4 per year):
Turtle Up staff and researchers must travel to Ghana often to work with our local partners. Airline tickets to Ghana (approximately 4 per year) average about $1,600 each.

First-aid kits for one year:
Turtle wants to ensure the health and well-being of our researchers, volunteers, and staff. Your support will allow us to purchase kits for an entire year, $200.

Salary for turtle surveyor for leatherback, olive ridley, and/or green turtle season:
Surveyors provide valuable information and data on the numbers of turtles come to the New Ningo beaches. If you choose this item, you will sponsor 2 surveyors’ salaries, $1,200 each per year per person.

Paid internship for Turtle Up:
Because our CEO is a faculty member at the University of Dayton (UD), there are many opportunities for students from various fields to work with Turtle Up. Sponsorship of this item will allow Turtle Up to pay its part-time interns, $2,000 per semester per intern.

Scholarship for an under-resourced student for a Turtle Up eco-trip, $4,000 per student.

Purchase of equipment/supplies:
Each season, we need supplies such as flashlights, binoculars, batteries, and hand-held radios. Sponsorship covers the costs of these supplies, $1,000.

Computer equipment:
Turtle Up is grateful for computers, printers, tablets, smart phones and scanners. Sponsorship will help us purchase, upgrade, or maintain our current equipment, $2,500.

Research Assistants:
Turtle Up works with research assistants in Ghana. These assistants play a key role in gathering information and protecting New Ningo’s sea turtles. Sponsorship will pay for room and board for one of these assistants for a turtle season, $2,500.

Sponsor two students:
These students will design culturally responsive turtle tracker, $5000 for two students.

Sponsor one satellite transmitter and satellite time:
Turtle Up aims to conduct satellite tracking studies of sea turtles. This research provides valuable data about the movements of Ghana sea turtles. Sponsorship will pay for the costs of one satellite transmitter, the satellite time and travel costs to attach the transmitter, $7,500.

Sponsor our website:
$1000/year (hosting, domain name, SSL certificate, and payment processing software).

Donate your car or sponsor one:
Turtle Up needs a truck or any other 4*4 vehicle to transport our volunteers and for our staff to efficiently preserve and conserve our sea turtles.